Compact Burning Bush

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If you are looking for some brilliant fall color to add to your backyard landscape nothing beats the Dwarf Burning Bush Shrub.

Most often it is planted as a single specimen, but can be used for a hedge. The burning bush compact form produces rich green leaves during the spring and summer months.

Although called a dwarf, the plant at mature size can be 6 to 8 foot tall and wide. The burning bush root system is not invasive. Make sure to plant it about 6’ to 8’ foot away from your foundation and if you don not plan on pruning it make sure your bed 10’ to 12’ wide.

Make sure to plant it in full sun to partial shade and only in hardiness zones from 4 to 9. The compacta burning bush shrub can be grown in a medium-wet, well-drained soil.

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Latin NameEuonymus atatus compactus
Common NameCompact Burning Bush
Max Height6-8ft
Max Width6-8ft

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